“The Journey to Your Dream is a grand process to help identify and create everything you desire, rather than just a random group of activities to make your life a little better. Its beauty is in the way it leads you through the process, beginning with your becoming completely aware of your desires; then systematically working through the manifestation of those desires, clearing obstacles and old beliefs to open the path; and then returning to more possibilities for manifestation. Magic.
One of the foundation elements of the Journal is the Blueprint, which is the design for your life to come. In developing your Blueprint, you look at the ways you’ve modified or abandoned your dreams, the adjustments you make to accommodate others. That last one was a complete breakthrough for me – all the little ways I shift and adjust my own desires to allow for the desires of others. We learned as children to put others first, which is a worthy and admirable way to be, but then it becomes like a chronic condition where we do it without even thinking, almost a reflex. What I was able to see was my own desires, one-by-one, day-by-day, being pushed aside so I would be a nice person, a giving person, a pleasant person. And I also saw that I don’t have to give up myself to be loving, that I can and should expect my desires to matter, to be respected by me, and to be fulfilled. It’s amazing how an awareness like that can change your world.”
“A tremendously positive difference in my life! I have been seeing Gina for New Decision Therapy and Deliberate Creation for about a year, and I get remarkable benefit from each and every session. She is a master at helping me zero in on what the real issue is, and then work through it. During our sessions she tells me ideas she has had for me prior to the session, and she shares her own processes when they are most helpful. I feel her insight and caring is unmatched, and she is making a tremendously positive difference in my life.”
- S.B.
“Forgiveness is such a powerful way to heal ones self. I am a mother of 4 children and married for 10 years when I first met Gina, my marriage was falling apart but worse, I was in shambles. My husband and I had heard of Gina and wanted to save our marriage, at least that was the goal… however, I ended up saving myself! I had lost my identity as a person and lost sight of my self worth. I fell in love with Gina the first time we met, which meant I was comfortable to proceed in healing myself with Gina being my guide.”
- S.B.
“Unlock a potential… After years of searching for a mentor that has the ability to hone in on primal needs, I have found her! Gina’s precise intuition and knowledge has given me the key to unlock a potential that I knew existed, but wasn’t sure how to access. With thoughtful suggestion and direction, Gina has guided me into an area of my life and existence that has given me a level of daily joy I have not enjoyed before now. I happily recommend Gina’s expertise to anyone wanting to achieve fulfillment and peace in their life.”
- L.H.
New Growth 'and Attainment
“Having worked with Gina for many years, I was delighted to read and complete the assignments in The Journey to Your Dream. For me, it was an additional method of growth and attainment that brought me some surprises along the way. Having to write down and remember how my thought patterns have affected who I am today was an eye-opening experience. I have always used Gina’s techniques to get what I want, continue my quest for personal growth, and to help facilitate Abraham’s work into my daily life. I am very confident that the techniques listed in the journal can bring the same success to anyone who uses them.”
- A.W.
Never underestimate the power of deliberate creation!
“I had a really profound experience with your latest program centered around the Deliberate Creation work. Guess you could say a shift occurred for me because I am now reaping huge benefits from the program. Example: I have a much better idea of what I want out of my life and am taking a few short minutes each day to visit those desires and they are quickly translating into reality. Never again will I underestimate the power of deliberate creation. I am a believer!”
Creativity gains focus and direction.
I recently had a Feng Shui consultation with Gina. I had been avoiding a consultation, because I thought it would entail having to totally rearrange everything in my apartment. It turned out that all the changes I needed to make were very subtle and were easily done in just a few hours. The most significant changes occurred in the area of creativity. I am a singer/musical composer, so creativity is especially important to me. Gina identified some energy leaks in that area. As soon as I made the appropriate adjustments, I felt my creative energy coming alive.”
-Karen B.